Sergio Ducoulombier Net Worth [cy], Age, Wife, Biography

[copy name=”networth” value=”$55M”]

Sergio Ducoulombier, the creator and CEO of Slip Cash Inc., was introduced to this venture on June 15, 2019, almost ([aadmy_event date=”06/15/2019″]). According to his LinkedIn profile, Slip and Cash aims to make cashless payments easy from any phone, no matter the reason.

In 1999, almost ([aadmy_event date=”01/01/1999″]) Sergio Ducoulombier completed his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management at the University of Washington. For more details on Sergio Ducoulombier’s net worth [cy], age, wife, and biography, stay tuned.

Sergio Ducoulombier Net Worth [cy], Age, Wife, Biography

NameSergio Ducoulombier
Date of BirthSep 13, 1977
Age[age dob=”09/13/1977″]
Birth PlaceDana Point, California
Father’s Name[We Will Update Soon]
Mother’s Name[We Will Update Soon]
Siblings[We Will Update Soon]
Brother[We Will Update Soon]
WifeAlexandra Jarvis
NationalityUnited States
CountryUnited States
ResidenceNewport Beach, California
Religion[We Will Update Soon]
Zodiac SignVirgo
Height6′ 2″
Net Worth[paste name=”networth”]
Last Updated[post_mdt]

More About Sergio Ducoulombier [cy]

Sergio Ducoulombier, the person behind the payment network Slip Cash Inc., got started with this idea in a restaurant on June 15, 2019, almost ([aadmy_event date=”06/15/2019″]).

According to Sergio Ducoulombier’s LinkedIn profile, Slip and Cash wants to make it easy for anyone to use their phone for cashless payments, no matter where or why.

In 1999, Sergio Ducoulombier finished his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management at the University of Washington. There isn’t more information about him online, but he started working at Slip and Cash in 2019.

Sergio Ducoulombier Wedding

The couple had some drinks at the restaurant when they met and exchanged phone numbers. They got engaged in a private ceremony on December 27, 2020, almost ([aadmy_event date=”12/27/2020″]) in Newport Beach, California.

Alexandra Jarvis, a star from Selling the OC, got married to Sergio Ducoulombier on April 14, 2023, almost ([aadmy_event date=”04/14/2023″]). They had their wedding at the Villa del Balbianello overlooking Italy’s Lake Como.

Sergio Ducoulombier Net Worth [cy]

Sergio Ducoulombier has a net worth of [paste name=”networth”] as of [cy].

Sergio Ducoulombier Age

As of [cy] Sergio Ducoulombier is [age dob=”09/13/1977″] old.

Sergio Ducoulombier Net Worth [cy]

Sergio Ducoulombier’s Net Worth is [paste name=”networth”] as of [cy]

Sergio Ducoulombier Job

Sergio Ducoulombier’s job is being the CEO of Slip and Cash.

Sergio Ducoulombier Linkedin

Here is the Sergio Ducoulombier LinkedIn page.

Sergio Ducoulombier Wikipedia

Sergio Ducoulombier does not have a Wikipedia page yet.

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